Young, middle-aged and older, married, single, or somewhere in-between, faith-filled or empty, gay or straight, wealthy or not so much ... you are welcome here! We seek to be an inclusive congregation.
We are a "community" church, committed to ministry in our local and global community. We are part of the United Church of Canada.
Our nursery is open for parents to use. Please feel free to have our children with you in the worship or to take them to the nursery to play.
Most weeks, our children leave the service for their program. Your children are welcome to join the program, or to stay with you. Feel free to go with them too.
There is no dress code here at St. Mark's. Some people worship in jeans and T-shirts; some in suits and dresses. Dress in whatever is best for you.
Everyone who is hungry and thirsty for the bread and wine of Jesus is welcome at the banquet table as we celebrate Communion. You'll see all ages at the table sharing their faith.
If you would like envelopes, or if you would like to sign up for PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance), Please contact Jennifer in the Church Office.
You may notice some people passing the offering plate by; they likely share their gifts of money through PAR or perhaps the are unable to share money gifts right now, and are contributing to our ministries through other gifts of time and talent.